Hip Resurfacing vs Hip Replacement


Both hip resurfacing and hip replacements are operations to help relieve hip pain. Hip pain is often caused by the cartilage that cushions the bones wearing down over time and causing pain and inflammation.

Hip resurfacing?

Hip resurfacing is where the damaged surface of the femur (ball of the thighbone), and the socket are removed and reshaped. This retains most of the bone and is usually offered to younger, more active patients. Hip resurfacing is more commonly performed on men as women won’t benefit from the procedure for as long due to levels of oestrogen changing after the menopause.

During hip resurfacing surgery, your consultant orthopaedic surgeon will:

  1. Make a small incision in the thigh to access the hip joint
  2. Shave the damaged bone and cartilage from the femur (ball of the thighbone)
  3. Attach a smooth metal cap to the ball
  4. Remove the damaged bone and cartilage from the hip socket
  5. Attach a metal shell into the hip socket
  6. Move the femur (ball of the thighbone) into the hip socket
  7. Close the incision with stitches

Hip resurfacing can be quicker to recover from than a traditional hip replacement and can be effective long term relief from hip pain for younger more active patients.

Hip replacement?

A hip replacement is where the whole joint is removed and replaced with an artificial one. It is a common procedure and offered to older patients with significant joint damage and severe symptoms.

During hip replacement surgery, your hip surgeon will:

  1. Make a small incision in the thigh to access the hip joint
  2. Remove the damaged femur (ball of the thighbone) and socket
  3. Implant the replacement socket
  4. Insert a short metal stem with a ball on it into the ball of the thighbone
  5. Close the incision with stitches.

A hip replacement can hugely reduce pain, with almost all patients getting complete, or near complete relief from arthritic hip pain, and thus increased mobility.

Minimally invasive hip surgery

Mr Makrides offers minimally invasive hip surgery using the Direct Superior Approach. This avoids damage to surrounding muscles and tissue which results in a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery time.

Robotic assisted hip surgery

Mr Makrides can also perform hip replacement surgery using the Mako robotic arm assisted surgery. This is carried out at Spire Little Aston Hospital and allows your surgeon to use the robotic arm to guide him along pre-defined areas using real time tracking which adjusts to the smallest of movements. This results in extremely precise surgery with minimal blood loss, scarring and post operative pain.

How do I book a consultation?

You can book either a face to face or virtual consultation with Mr Makrides by contacting his secretary. You can find her details here.

Appointments are available via private medical insurance or paying for yourself. Click here for the most up to date self funding fees, and here for private medical insurance information.


Welcome to the Midland Hip and Knee Clinic based at Spire Parkway in Solihull, Spire Little Aston in Sutton Coldfield and Spire South Bank in Worcester. We offer Self-funding and Private Insurance payment options.

Copyright 2022. Panos Makrides - Specialist Hip and Knee Surgeon